Hi, i'm Angie, AKA Artsy-Dragoness!Here's links to all my stuff.



- The usual stuff. Y'know, keep away if you're homophobic, a TERF, MAGA, a zionist, or generally a bigot. Though if you seriously self identify as a bigot idk what to tell you. C'est la vie?- Proshippers. That's it, end of sentence, go away. No this does not refer to liking ships in general, if you know you know. We could play semantics all day, I just don't want incest or pedophilia on my pages.- I'm diagnosed autistic, and I'd rather not deal with folks pulling ableist bullshit. If you pull dark humor R-word jokes or support autism speaks, I'm here to politely show you the door.- Listen this ones just personal preference, but Please DSMP and Hazbin / Hellaverse folks leave my domain. I don't want it. Power to you I guess!- On a similar, opposite hand--- I used to be really into Homestuck, and sometimes I revisit it on anniversaries. If that isn't your style, no harm in unfollowing. I don't blame you.

The actual major kins for quick reference I s'pose

Entrapta (S:POP)
Phoenix Wright (AA)
Pinkie Pie (MLP:FIM)
Seymour Krelborn (LSoH)
Dendy (OK KO)
Cricket (WoF)
Cotton Candy (CR)
Haida (Aggretsuko)
Noelle Holiday (DLTR)

Click the star above for a list of fandoms!

Hi! I'm Angela. I’m an autistic 24 year old who’s got way too much free time on her hands.I’m a Leo, ENFP, and a Demisexual Lesbian! My birthday is on July 25th!I come from a magic far away land called “New Jersey”.The main things I like to do are drawing, watching cartoons, playing video games, and drinking what can be called a metric fuckton of chocolate milk. I really like birds as well!I enjoy character design and writing in my free time!I have a pretty big tendency to get hyperfixated on whatever fandom I'm in or what interests me at the time, check out my (Variably Updated) fandom list above to check in on the latest Angie Special Interest™!

wait. don't click that


You found my bonus link that goes nowhere. Enjoy some extra for-fun links! If you got here, send me an ask saying you like my shoelaces or something. It'll be funny I swear.

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You mean the latest masterpiece of fantasy storytelling from Lucasfilm's™ Brian Moriarty™?Why, it's an extraordinary adventure with an interface of magic, stunning, high-resolution, 3D landscapes, sophisticated score and musical effects. Not to mention the detailed animation and special effects, elegant point 'n' click control of characters, objects, and magic spells.Beat the rush! Go out and buy Loom™ today!

Swans. You know... Birds?